Migrating Virtual Machines from a free version of ESX to Hyper-V

30 Jul

We’re moving away from vSphere and moving to Hyper-V.  We’re Microsoft through and through here so it makes more sense for us (and of course is easier to manage).  Microsoft do provide the “Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter (MVMC)” tool to help us with this, so it should be easy right?!

Well, yes, and no.  Everything is fine, except for the situations that you’re running the free Hypervisor.  Everything was going fine, and then:


Looking at the log we see this:


“System.InvalidOperationException: Current license or ESXi version prohibits execution of the requested operation. —> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.”

All is not lost.  As usual, Microsoft have provided us with some Powershell commands to help us with this.  First though, copy the vmdk files onto a local machine for converting.  Once done, fire up powershell we simply run these 2 commands:

Import-Module ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter\MvmcCmdlet.psd1’

ConvertTo-MvmcVirtualHardDisk -SourceLiteralPath “D:\Shares\VMWare\SRT-CWSVR.vmdk” -DestinationLiteralPath “D:\Shares\VMWare\Converted” -VhdType DynamicHardDisk -VhdFormat Vhdx

There are a couple of Variable here:

-DestinationLiteralPath : This will be the location and filename of my vmdk file to be converted

-DestinationLiteralPath : Where I’m putting the converted file

-VhdType : What type of final disk do I want (Fixed or Dynamic)

-VhdFormat : What format do I want the disk in (VHD or VHDx).

Once that starts, you should see the progress…


…And when it’s finished, just create the Virtual Machine and attach the newly converted disk.

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